25th edition TARGA RODOLFO BONETTO 2022

With patronage of :

ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale

Fondazione ADI Collezione Compasso d’Oro


Design Center srl, in the person of Marco Bonetto, organizer and President of the Targa  Rodolfo Bonetto, aimed at students of the universities and design schools around the world, is pleased to announce the 25° Edition of the Award 2020.

Established in 1991 by Marco in memory of his father Rodolfo Bonetto, one of the great masters of Italian design, the ‘Targa Rodolfo Bonetto’ aims to reflect the thinking of this great designer who throughout his career has been able to, not only, to create innovative design but also the very concept of industrial product.

Marco Bonetto says: “the advancement of technological innovation cannot be separated from design, intended as an element of synthesis between the man and the instrument. An ever-more sophisticated and intelligent design that generates extraordinarily surprising market scenarios, a design that manages to become a determining factor in more design interests.

Self-taught, Rodolfo Bonetto has provided an essential contribution to the teaching of Industrial Design. Lecturer at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm, and Isia of Rome, Member and President of the ADI and ICSID, received eight “Compasso D’Oro”. “The design is like a butterfly in his hands, he would often repeat Rodolfo, if too tight it dies if you let go flies away”.(Rodolfo Bonetto).

The prize in its content and in the types of products wants to be closer to the figure of Rodolfo Bonetto. “The experimentation of young interests me a lot, because they create new ideas that exert a major influence on lifestyle and design” (Rodolfo Bonetto).


Targa Rodolfo Bonetto  award has established a permanent Scientific Committee composed of:

President Commitee:

Angelo Cortesi                          Designer/architect

Members :

  • Decio Carugati       Writer/journalist/design critic
  • Giovanni Anceschi  Artist and Professor
  • Walter Maria de Silva      Designer
  • Nevio Di Giusto     Engineer
  • Luciano Galimberti President ADI and Designer
  • Maria Giovanna Mazzocchi  President Editoriale Domus
  • Marco Predari Architect
  • Stefan Sielaff          Director design Bentley Cars


Targa Rodolfo Bonetto award is renewed in the themes of engagement of the competition, placing today, intentionally, in the foreground the concept, not the product case studies and related technological assumptions.

Promoting the formulation of projects that best represent the wish fulfillment of the individual or team of authors. As noted, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, German poet and philosopher: “our perceptual and cognitive faculties diminish, hammered as are any information; grow only when we limit ourselves to see, hear, feel and know only what we want us “. Here’s how the competition will give rise to a new current of thought, that of a new-found happiness in the Act, the ability to counteract the pragmatism, the drift of the forgetful of the design on a human scale. The invitation is addressed to young students of design and architecture in order to demonstrate, in particular, of their conceptual subjective intention.


The carrying-out of a project of innovative design concept which expresses the author’s personal satisfaction. A concept that surprised users for its particular intended use, no limits to the design language, feel free to express themselves in unconventional ways.


• Travel

• Living

• Work

• Leisure

• music (instruments)


Free participation in the contest through the delivery of projects implies unreserved acceptance of all rules contained in the notice and the non-compliance with established therein involves the automatic exclusion. Participation is free. Participating projects must be received by 31th July 2022 with  contest entry coupon  completed in its entirety on the website or by e mail or by We Transfer

The projects and the registration be uploaded directly on the site after registration and in accordance with the procedures set out

To ensure the anonymity of the participants during jury selection alle the projects will be show anonymously.


The plates, a maximum of four plates of drawings in the format A3 300dpi jpeg format, max 5 MB and the written report must be loaded and dispatched directly to the website

as following :

  • 1 participant data sheet with the name of the school
  • 1 written report explaining the project
  • From 3 to 5 drawings board in A3 format of the project

Projects without this content will NOT be accepted

All material received will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality and under no circumstances given to third parties, i.e. to anyone who is not part of the jury or the organizer. The material sent will not be returned.


The jury will be composed by :

  • President     Marco Bonetto (designer)
  • Vice President      Decio Carugati (writer)
  • Angelo Cortesi                    (Architetto – designer)
  • Aldo Castellano   (professor)
  • Luciano Galimberti             (President ADI – Architect)
  • Flavio Manzoni                   (Chief Design Officer Ferrari)
  • Giovanna Mazzocchi           (President Editoriale Domus)



At the discretion of the jury, will be assigned three “Targa” award, according to the following classification:

1° Award Targa + certificate+ Scooter customized by Bonetto Design

2° Award Targa + certificate+ Coffe machine

3° Award Targa + certificate+ home appliance

The jury also reserves the possibility to award special mentions particularly deserving projects or schools that are distinguished by the high participation and quality of work.

The selected projects will be published on the website of the prize.

Will be assigned, also, a special prize of critics.


The official ceremony with its announcement of the winners, and the relative exposure of all participants, will take place in Milan on October 2020, with place and date to be communicated.

Rights of use

The author of the project is in fact the owner of the relevant rights of use. If the contestant you wish to protect your prepared by applying copyright or patent registration, you may do so before the presentation of the project. The organizer reserves the right to publish the works on magazines, publications and any other means of information aimed at promoting ‘ Targa Rodolfo Bonetto ‘.

Registration and information on website


10 + 7 =

Where we are

Via Thomas Alva Edison 2
20090 Assago (Milan) Italy
Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 18.00